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This is a new approach in the Estonian food industry: the sweets are made using the cold-press method and without added sugar. We produce healthy batonnais based on dried fruit and grain. We only use organic raw materials, which guarantees the purity of our products. The shelf life of raw batches is currently 3 months.

The sweetness is provided by raisin and date (or fig/plum). Various cereals (oats, buckwheat) or seeds (sunflower seeds, etc.) are used to provide fibre and other nutrients. with the necessary substances. Flavours include dried berries or apples, raw cocoa, nuts, coconut, mint, etc. As much as possible we use domestic raw materials.

Because the raw ingredients only go through a cold press, valuable minerals and vitamins are preserved. Ampstick mild snacks are good sources of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E.

picture_32  picture50

All ingredients come from certified organic farming – EE-ÖKO-02 – EU and non-EU agriculture


 A nutritious ampoule to take to school, the office, the car, on a trip, in your pocket, etc.

The choice of raw materials for the products is based on preference for those grown in Estonia: apples, blackcurrants, cranberries, sea buckthorn, uncooked buckwheat, mint, , etc. come from the gardens and fields of Estonia.